it is true,want believe or not

just can say all is true?why not believe it....

in our world that many happening is happen at our life ,at any environment,at any situation.why we can't believe.yes some time that will not believe it as possible.some happening too short time and it cause people can't believe it .

Really ,it can't believe it immediate.and this always making me so mystery and making it small problem became big problem .when i found it already big problem then that is became the( big fire )As u know the fire will frighting in fire and became big fire then burning .so that in me case is almost like this .i will try to stopping it ,unfortunate some time is not will stop it.It can't solve it .why the small problem will given me making to the large problem ,why can't take it as possible thing ,and why can't believe it as is true?

second ,some time we are saying some thing ,or advice to people why not they believe .they just left it go .when the small problem became large then only believe that is too late .

some time people laugh at me because so late response believe or not believe .actually playing believe and not believe game that so funny .


hmmmm.. deeparaya at Malaysia will over soon .It is special at Malaysia will having shareRaya with different region at same time .we have congxiraya ,merryraya , deeparaya and so on .That so nice can mix together to enjoy holiday and the festival.It also can improve other relationship with diffrent region.

If not wrong as my knowledge ,it will repeat it after 32 year right because this will the last having share Raya .O... need to wait for long time to enjoy the Raya at same period lo.So miss the food and snack of all region .

还我的 t-shirt

一直以来我家里都是顾这一位迟钝的小孩(男性),也不算是小孩了啦,他小过我,年纪已十多岁了但还是比小孩更小孩。哦。。跟他说话真的真的不懂他听得懂还是听不懂,还有他说话只是跟人的最后一句话。上课是在我中学的学校里读特别班,下午就来我家里,这些迟钝的人,没人要照顾他所以只好让我妈来顾他。。。他每次上课回来,有人没人他都喊这“hello...hello...到有人音他,没人音他,他也会自动的开门的。。”他和我也满好的关系,不懂为什么他充实很快的想起我的名的,一看到我就叫我的名“get ....get....get............"拉得好长的。。好肉麻。。呀!!!





患上乳癌怎么办(breast cancer)





有2个方法:1 自我检查乳房,2 看医生

if u suspect getting breast cancer,what u can tell yrself.It so fear in
this case ... i need to do ...
not will so unlucky la....
need see doctor??..

ok now see doctor ,what need to tell to doctor
i pain at the breast ,
i feel got something in my breast。。

what i need to do ,need operation?

now day breast cancer is high percentage at our country ,also is the lady
scary problem so that better checking by own or see doctor in each year.

Two World Records coming to Melaka

the world of record people is coming to Melaka the tallest and shortest Pakistanis.It is funny if stand beside ,so far the different of they.Many people is snapped up the chance to take foto.

FINISH holiday

em..finish holiday .so fast 3 week is over ,what am i doing at holiday ??

TWO WORD ==not thing ???????

heiheihei.....actually it meaningful ,relax,enjoy,study,online,but no point to starting research my computer science thing again ."that i scold by whole world" because break my computer by myself.(seeing to magazine and try ),try some knowlegle from magazine .spoil the program ,harm the computer and jam-whole computer ."the computer screen is became dark and come out the something word god(die)

finally reformat the computer la ........and repair it .hahahahahahaha...........
luckly got people help me ...


作了幾天的生意,我是幫忙爸爸收錢,包起來所買的物品.可以說是"難搞".遇到那些阿婆,阿伯,說得水都干還不走一直在討價還價也不肯買.有個真的令我好討厭了,把我的賣物翻來翻去又要這個然後又不想要,又要那個,好了終於都買了但又來討價還價,哇!好糟糕從九塊錢減到七塊錢,那是不可能的給她減了,給她減兩塊錢那好過不買不然就虧本.說得水都干的爸爸,結果減了一斤50cent 給她.只是買一斤而已都要討價還價.阿婆就是阿婆.嗨!有一天的我好氣的說出:"婆婆/aunt 已盡好便宜了".她立刻走掉了.我在趕顧客!!!忍不住了,想不到我爸的顧客是那麼樣的(在第二間)差不多沒個顧客都是這樣.他們絕對是看還有對手在那一區所以個個都要討價還價,我媽的顧客還好(第一間巴殺),沒聽過只是問問就買了.我作那麼多工作都沒遇到,在supermarket 當 promoter不用說啦 只是人說product 不好但沒得減價嗎.年輕人大多數都不理和沒問價錢.有問都沒減價的.他們問問就買了,要不然就走掉.




Poor English

This English is poor than I write before or not? All reader can give comment at overall English that I write.

Writing also need to compare with my mood, if not my writing will be rubbish. Sometime read back that I feel it worst than before post. According to some people they say some sentences is can’t know/find the meaning .o….o…..that worst than before ?i need to improve it .

through here I can learn my language ,especially English .i can improve better through some time I will writing in English ,or translate the Chinese to at here is Chinese and English word is writing in two way . i find that it is no fair if I just write Chinese ,some one who is don’t know the Chinese language so in other way I just write in two language .hope all reader will understand.




Happy moon cake festival day

Hi! Happy moon cake festival day .wah this day is my happy day on every year,when me as a children, that so happy taking the lantern with whole village children walk around the street in our village .sometime will scary by other people on road because taking the lantern in dark night .hahaha very happy ,funny .some time the lantern are burned,we fast and fast blow to put off the fire .after back to house then play game and playing candle (put at all the car park or using to cooking ,raise grass to cook that so childish ).

Now day this feeling is no more ,all children are grow up,that no more people is taking the lantern walk around our village .now day children are more high-tech they using the electrical lantern and they independent ,no will mix with other child playing at night on road .this festival is one year and one year more quiet at our village already .

Holiday 2

Hi ,many day are not writing .now is my college holiday ,so that I am free .At home just eat and eat ,sleep and sleep ,study and study ,walk and walk ,dream and dream.Now is started puasa ,1 month more will be hari raya and deepavali lo.So fast 1 year already .That is the time,enjoy the malay food ,this is I waiting day hahhaaha I like the kuih bahulu,muruku,biscuit and so on.