I alone because of ,i still stay at hostel and D' all friend all neighbour all are going back to home town ,still left me .whole day no one talk to me.HO feel like at oversea so hard to go back home town .like many year are stay at no familar country ,just me alone .Wanted to walk out ,but alone so i not will went out .wanted to eat but feel alone,but need to eat eating slowly ,eating alone ,eating like very hard to gulp down the food .
i gulped back the tear ...........
because of lazy go back ,because of just came here 4 day ,because of busy of homework .So i don't go back .Are me making this situation for myself . very sad ....if i can't suffer i need to go back home after one more day .i very alone...very miss home ,actually i happy heard that my room mate don't go back ,but after her mon call so she go back home ,so just me alone ...alone ....
whole floor just only my room have a person .
really wanted to crying , any thing don't think it negative ,just thing positive .....busy of homework ....busy busy ....then forget about i alone .
happy new year 元旦节快乐
tomorrow will be new year ,so fast after one year ,day to day are move so fast .new year so need to start new life lo ...Yeah ...please forgive who angry u ,hated u .Forget all the sadness .
wish yr all happy new year .
busy of home work and repairing computer
ok,say about the computer ,most of people is scary and worry about using computer .Seeing they using computer just worry about virus ,jam ,suddenly appear dark color at screen ,my files lost??? what meassage came out ....
because of few knowledge about using PC ,so that they very worry about that.why i suddenly talk computer problem,today i again repairing computer for my friend ,because her computer icon is jam when click ,because can't open the window .HAiz ..... ,if saying my room mate ,she buying new computer ,there jam ,there can't use last format two time ,just new bought o..... that new computer ,that can warranty it,i don't wan handle too much .
ok ,this time i need to measure is the antivirus software ,many people is update the file for antivirus but they not set the setting ,because of no set the setting of IP address and server number to the update manage (setting location),so update are equal to no update .i found many people are no have set and straight away update ,although if can run but it still no update the file .so that no will scan the virus.
this problem i found from them PC ,when success updated antivirus files then the virus is detect in PC .Haiz .....
Please brave to using PC ,normally fresh using PC will occur many problem .i aso like that .
merry christmas
oh wat fun it is to ride a one horse open sleigh!
jingle bells... jingle bell ...jingle on the way!
oh wat fun it is to ride a one horse open sleigh!......
merry christmas...happy merry christmas
santa clous coming...
after chrismas day ,
at that day we BBQ and play until around 2 am .hahaha ,i get a present ,that is a bear with wearing the chistmas cap .
i exchange the present with my best friend ...very happy he received my present.
view photo we enjoy at BBQ .
kajang satay
yesterday i going to kajang eating satay ,very happy atlast go there try the satay ,because of my brother are study near there so he will know the location ,i go to the main restaurant of kajang satay ,very happy very happy ,atlast try the kajang satay already.
the satay is nice but got some smell of the smoke smell may be because using the fan to roast the satay,Using the fan that make the satay is no hot at all .one thing so different is the source ,it have one big bowl of the satay source , the big bowl source are sweet and no have chili ,then given another source is chili source only ,so that u can mix it .
when eating ,try the satay source first then next step mix the chili and try again the source ,so nice .....em....
one thing The kajang satay are no given the onion wan ,em... at my home town all the satay stall also given the big onion slice .
yeah yeah ...happy happy ...delicious.....
food that i buy
at my home twn the mamak stall buying the cucuk udang ,my god i can't eat at all ,why that so different ,i bought two times ,two times also is sour .like stale(basi(BM)) already.
bad luck
as normal i cycle to morning market ,then the bicycle suddenly the Tyre jumping slight and jumping slight then i stopping to see what happen to my bicycle .,i saw it no happen to bicycle that is well ,after that i just continue cycle,suddenly one sound is coming out 'bong' ,OMG so bad luck the tyre is puncture.i walk to the bicycle shop to repair it ,because not enough money i walk back home ,then walk to there again .IN very angry and bad luck situation i feel one to cry ,walking alone ,walking with angry ,walking with early morning so bad luck feeling ,i really the tear want to drop down .
very hate ....very hate ....
why i starting writing blog???
Oversea friend ,my relative will more know me ....
haiz ,i more writing in chinese than english ,that i very sorry who can't see the chinese ,yesterday i only know from my relative ,they say 'can't understand chinese so can't know what happening was now(for me blog) .O... that very sorry ,most of my relative and some friend is can't view in chinese ...ok next time i will try to writing in english .
Actually writing in english ,i can't explain very clear what i feeling and what am i doing ,because poor in english lo.most of people say :i can't understand .em ... i will improve myself .
i very happy .many people are view my blog .Thank and sorry who can't understand chinese
期待(can't wait for chrismas)
今天听到同学们说圣诞节吃火鸡,嗨,还好啦,我不是基督教徒所以不用吃火鸡啦。反过来今年吃烧鸡啦。。。哈哈哈,圣诞节的节目已经PLAN 了吗?我今年吃烧鸡啦,那就是BBQ 。好期待,好开心。。为什么那么开心的。
i can't wait for christmas day ,i very happy ....very happy when think about christmas .why this year so happy waiting for chrismas day ?i saw many present are available at shopping center .many gift i like it ,finally i bought gift already .But at the end feel 1 to buy for myself ,all gift are so nice
Chrismas day eat turkey ,very funny .i not yet eat a big turkey .May be see have restaurant will produce this menu ? this year not will eat turkey la ,just eat chicken la .haha .
半 夜 三 更
现 在 半 夜 了 , 我 成 为 同 房 姐 的 闹 钟 , 需 要 叫 醒 她 , 他 一 睡 就 不 能 起 来 作 功 课 了。 嗨 ! ! 已 经 叫 了 两 次 了 , 他 那 么 的 赶 ASSIGNMENT 所 以 才 一 定 要 拉 /叫 到 她 起 来 为 止 。那 时 他 吩 咐 的 。 。 。 。
不 写 了 , to be continue.....
第二天(second day)
now is midnight i also same thing not yet sleep ,what time was it ?i doing thing very slow ,some time is dreaming and dreaming .after dreamming then started doing homework ,sometime again dreaming .today my roommate are no coming back to sleep so ,i will alone today .
1 thing i very different if sleep alone ,i feel don't 1 to wicth off the light .if i alone i will witch on the table light .
to be continue........ next day
第 三 天 (thirth day)
后 果 今 天 在 学 校 发 现 好 晕 , 回 到 宿 舍 晕 倒 , 直 直 躺 在 床 上 睡 又 不 能 睡 头 好 晕一 直 卷 阿卷 , 传 阿 传 ,, 现 在 不 能 吃 , 也 不 能 睡 , 又 呕 吐 的又 咳 嗽 的 。 病 了, 在 这 情 形 我 还 写 着 blog。 熬 夜 的 结 果 。 。 。 。(只 是 起 来 写 两 字 , 好 晕 差 点 不 能 看 子字 )
today at school i have dizzy problem。 back to hostel still dizzy like faint ,sleeping then vomit and cough very serious .At school i think that i is too hungry but no this problem .i need to sleep 24 hour ,if no will very sick .stop at here very faint ,the word also can't see well ,sorry if the word i type wrong ,because i my eye is blur liao...... bye .
fourth day.
i don't want headache and faint again ,,help today 4.00 am already, still can't sleep .help
from tomorrow i need to set my time to sleep ,can't sleep also need to force
myself to sleep .
very angry ah ...
气 死 了 。 。 。 。
very angry ah ......
this word many people are saying to me ,that true i always make people very angry because not concentrate to people who saying or talk to me .may be they think me is purpose don't concentrate ,but at here i need to make announcement that i no purpose don't concentrate listening,just i can't get all the information in short periob ,my information go in brain the just 20 % can at brain then all is went out from brain ,so most of the time i no will get what have people talk or asking me .My brain will blur and stopping ,Are me so different i very blur ,always make people angry ,any thing need to repeat and make sure me know ....
my brain need to having a few minutes or hour to process ....hahaha...that word only can store in to my brain .my brain can't catch up fast
why half and hour only u repeat this topic ....this word is most saying by my family,why we finish the topic of discussion then only u repeat the topic .OMG are they talking this discussion ,i add on after half and hour can't meh ?
why my brain are can't get all information on same periob ?here in then there go out in few second .am i very slow ...(迟 钝 )。 may be laugh can't stopping also is one problem of brain ,remember it then can't delete from brain ,all people is stopping then i still laugh.
why i will post up the music lirik at here 1 ,actually this two song i very like it .somemore that the lirik are very suitable to describe me ....
anything ,i may be will put just this two song .
by this two song ,stay here long time o ...
好爱她 好想他
歌曲:好爱她 好想他
歌手:七朵花/183 club 专辑:七朵花
7f 你应该哭了
7f 好爱她好想她再这样下去
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
7f 天应该亮了你应该睡了
7f 你应该哭了他应该醒了
7f 我们都没有错
7f 好爱她好想她再这样下去
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
7f 所有的美好
7f 试著把你慢慢遗忘
7f 好爱他好想他再这样下去
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
183+7f 所有的美好
183+7f 留在没人到得了
《Nobody's Home》- Avril Lavigne
Nobody's Home
I couldn't tell you , Why she felt that way
She felt it everyday , I couldn't help her
I just watched her make ,
The same mistakes again
What's wrong what's wrong ,
Too many too many problems
Dunno where she belongs , Where she belongs
She wants to og home
But nobody's home , It's where she lies
Broken innside , There's no place to go
No place to go , To dry her eyes
Broken innside
Open your eyes , And look outside
Find the reasons why , You've been rejected
And now you can't find , What you've left behind
Be strong be strong now
Too many too many problems
Don't know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to og home , But nobody's home
It's where she lies , Broken innside
There's no place to go , No place to go
To dry her eyes , Broken innside
Her feelings she hides , Her dreams she can't find
She's loosing her mind , She's falling behind
She can't find her place , She's loosing her faith
She's falling from grace , She's all over the place
She wants to og home , But nobody's home
It's where she lies , Broken innside
There's no place to go , No place to go
To dry her eyes , Broken innside
She's lost inside, lost inside
She's lost inside, lost inside
然后去了CANTEEN 吃东西,好多话说吧。一边说一边吃,结果嘴巴里食物都喷喷出来了。吃时不说了,然后又忍不到说了几句,又再喷多一次。哈哈哈。。。不好意思喷到了FILE。擦擦干净。。
前往去上课途中,又遇到好羞得事了。拿着一把雨伞然后遇到老师要和他说声‘HI' 时一场大风就把我雨伞搞得不像样了,雨伞整个顶上来,笑死了。老师,路上的人都在笑着我,连我朋友都笑不停了。真的好羞哦。。。到了课室外见到天天说笑,不懂事真还是假的话,感觉没一句真的老师,他在走廊打粉笔察,我走过去时,哇!好多粉笔粉飞呀飞,结果就说了一句拿雨伞来顶,他笑笑的听了让我们过了。
在DIS MATH上课时,笑阿笑。。我们两一直在笑这老师,看来好没礼貌啦,可是不笑实在忍不住了。原因是因为老师每一次(每堂课)都顶着我们望黑板的角度,无论他站那都会顶到的。就是笑他好不顶偏偏就定这我们望的角度。一边写,听,然后又一边说‘走开’,或’SIR‘ “SIR”有不敢大声的叫他走开。没理由叫老师走开的吗?就好傻的在哪儿说。因该是他教书时他在写着时站得不对角度吧,任何老师不会那样。。只是这老师才是这样的顶着我们的角度。另一方他把手放在后和他曾经坐在桌子上,然后我们发现他裤子有了粉笔印搞得笑不停了。
回家没到12 小时
还想可吃一顿家常便饭,那知说要出去吃了,结果没吃到家常便饭,也结果我在家呆的时间只是徐徐1小时罢了。这样就回来KL 了。好无聊喔。。。。 i already change the RAM last change the RAM to 1G.But 1 thing is no enough money to purchases hardisk ,may be 1 by one waiting to change la feel so many thing i need to change and upgrade.
my friend

huh ... at last created finish .this message is say "smile always "....hahahaha .....
are me so care about every thing ,the answer is 'no' ,life is just key to everything ,.....
write some phase : it is true that the present is the colored by the past ,it is also we can choose the color of the future.
although life is as suffering,but try to feel happy every day by living in moment .
AS me i not will angry people or cut off relationship.i no try before ...
i found just have people cut off the relation with me ,because jealous of me .i very feel sad ,why she like this ,how came can compare with me .Are me better than her?
after secondary school we less and less contact until now no will contact me and my friend also.
actually at life ,how can compare ,actually i also no better than her la ,just result is infront her 1 place only o...,life i better than her ? i no think so lo.Friend more than her ,answer is 'no'.why she After secondary school like disappear .
In other case ,don't think me make myself suffering ,i just can happy ....athought is not true in my heart but i still happy in my brain /mind.
To my friend at secondary school,college,primary school:
the past is history ,the future is mystery ,the only time really have now-and just this moment.keep it happy alway , yr all is my friend.i will keep it in my mind.