I alone because of ,i still stay at hostel and D' all friend all neighbour all are going back to home town ,still left me .whole day no one talk to me.HO feel like at oversea so hard to go back home town .like many year are stay at no familar country ,just me alone .Wanted to walk out ,but alone so i not will went out .wanted to eat but feel alone,but need to eat eating slowly ,eating alone ,eating like very hard to gulp down the food .
i gulped back the tear ...........
because of lazy go back ,because of just came here 4 day ,because of busy of homework .So i don't go back .Are me making this situation for myself . very sad ....if i can't suffer i need to go back home after one more day .i very alone...very miss home ,actually i happy heard that my room mate don't go back ,but after her mon call so she go back home ,so just me alone ...alone ....
whole floor just only my room have a person .
really wanted to crying , any thing don't think it negative ,just thing positive .....busy of homework ....busy busy ....then forget about i alone .
happy new year 元旦节快乐
tomorrow will be new year ,so fast after one year ,day to day are move so fast .new year so need to start new life lo ...Yeah ...please forgive who angry u ,hated u .Forget all the sadness .
wish yr all happy new year .
busy of home work and repairing computer
ok,say about the computer ,most of people is scary and worry about using computer .Seeing they using computer just worry about virus ,jam ,suddenly appear dark color at screen ,my files lost??? what meassage came out ....
because of few knowledge about using PC ,so that they very worry about that.why i suddenly talk computer problem,today i again repairing computer for my friend ,because her computer icon is jam when click ,because can't open the window .HAiz ..... ,if saying my room mate ,she buying new computer ,there jam ,there can't use last format two time ,just new bought o..... that new computer ,that can warranty it,i don't wan handle too much .
ok ,this time i need to measure is the antivirus software ,many people is update the file for antivirus but they not set the setting ,because of no set the setting of IP address and server number to the update manage (setting location),so update are equal to no update .i found many people are no have set and straight away update ,although if can run but it still no update the file .so that no will scan the virus.
this problem i found from them PC ,when success updated antivirus files then the virus is detect in PC .Haiz .....
Please brave to using PC ,normally fresh using PC will occur many problem .i aso like that .
merry christmas
oh wat fun it is to ride a one horse open sleigh!
jingle bells... jingle bell ...jingle on the way!
oh wat fun it is to ride a one horse open sleigh!......
merry christmas...happy merry christmas
santa clous coming...
after chrismas day ,
at that day we BBQ and play until around 2 am .hahaha ,i get a present ,that is a bear with wearing the chistmas cap .
i exchange the present with my best friend ...very happy he received my present.
view photo we enjoy at BBQ .
kajang satay
yesterday i going to kajang eating satay ,very happy atlast go there try the satay ,because of my brother are study near there so he will know the location ,i go to the main restaurant of kajang satay ,very happy very happy ,atlast try the kajang satay already.
the satay is nice but got some smell of the smoke smell may be because using the fan to roast the satay,Using the fan that make the satay is no hot at all .one thing so different is the source ,it have one big bowl of the satay source , the big bowl source are sweet and no have chili ,then given another source is chili source only ,so that u can mix it .
when eating ,try the satay source first then next step mix the chili and try again the source ,so nice .....em....
one thing The kajang satay are no given the onion wan ,em... at my home town all the satay stall also given the big onion slice .
yeah yeah ...happy happy ...delicious.....
food that i buy
at my home twn the mamak stall buying the cucuk udang ,my god i can't eat at all ,why that so different ,i bought two times ,two times also is sour .like stale(basi(BM)) already.
bad luck
as normal i cycle to morning market ,then the bicycle suddenly the Tyre jumping slight and jumping slight then i stopping to see what happen to my bicycle .,i saw it no happen to bicycle that is well ,after that i just continue cycle,suddenly one sound is coming out 'bong' ,OMG so bad luck the tyre is puncture.i walk to the bicycle shop to repair it ,because not enough money i walk back home ,then walk to there again .IN very angry and bad luck situation i feel one to cry ,walking alone ,walking with angry ,walking with early morning so bad luck feeling ,i really the tear want to drop down .
very hate ....very hate ....
why i starting writing blog???
Oversea friend ,my relative will more know me ....
haiz ,i more writing in chinese than english ,that i very sorry who can't see the chinese ,yesterday i only know from my relative ,they say 'can't understand chinese so can't know what happening was now(for me blog) .O... that very sorry ,most of my relative and some friend is can't view in chinese ...ok next time i will try to writing in english .
Actually writing in english ,i can't explain very clear what i feeling and what am i doing ,because poor in english lo.most of people say :i can't understand .em ... i will improve myself .
i very happy .many people are view my blog .Thank and sorry who can't understand chinese
期待(can't wait for chrismas)
今天听到同学们说圣诞节吃火鸡,嗨,还好啦,我不是基督教徒所以不用吃火鸡啦。反过来今年吃烧鸡啦。。。哈哈哈,圣诞节的节目已经PLAN 了吗?我今年吃烧鸡啦,那就是BBQ 。好期待,好开心。。为什么那么开心的。
i can't wait for christmas day ,i very happy ....very happy when think about christmas .why this year so happy waiting for chrismas day ?i saw many present are available at shopping center .many gift i like it ,finally i bought gift already .But at the end feel 1 to buy for myself ,all gift are so nice
Chrismas day eat turkey ,very funny .i not yet eat a big turkey .May be see have restaurant will produce this menu ? this year not will eat turkey la ,just eat chicken la .haha .
半 夜 三 更
现 在 半 夜 了 , 我 成 为 同 房 姐 的 闹 钟 , 需 要 叫 醒 她 , 他 一 睡 就 不 能 起 来 作 功 课 了。 嗨 ! ! 已 经 叫 了 两 次 了 , 他 那 么 的 赶 ASSIGNMENT 所 以 才 一 定 要 拉 /叫 到 她 起 来 为 止 。那 时 他 吩 咐 的 。 。 。 。
不 写 了 , to be continue.....
第二天(second day)
now is midnight i also same thing not yet sleep ,what time was it ?i doing thing very slow ,some time is dreaming and dreaming .after dreamming then started doing homework ,sometime again dreaming .today my roommate are no coming back to sleep so ,i will alone today .
1 thing i very different if sleep alone ,i feel don't 1 to wicth off the light .if i alone i will witch on the table light .
to be continue........ next day
第 三 天 (thirth day)
后 果 今 天 在 学 校 发 现 好 晕 , 回 到 宿 舍 晕 倒 , 直 直 躺 在 床 上 睡 又 不 能 睡 头 好 晕一 直 卷 阿卷 , 传 阿 传 ,, 现 在 不 能 吃 , 也 不 能 睡 , 又 呕 吐 的又 咳 嗽 的 。 病 了, 在 这 情 形 我 还 写 着 blog。 熬 夜 的 结 果 。 。 。 。(只 是 起 来 写 两 字 , 好 晕 差 点 不 能 看 子字 )
today at school i have dizzy problem。 back to hostel still dizzy like faint ,sleeping then vomit and cough very serious .At school i think that i is too hungry but no this problem .i need to sleep 24 hour ,if no will very sick .stop at here very faint ,the word also can't see well ,sorry if the word i type wrong ,because i my eye is blur liao...... bye .
fourth day.
i don't want headache and faint again ,,help today 4.00 am already, still can't sleep .help
from tomorrow i need to set my time to sleep ,can't sleep also need to force
myself to sleep .
very angry ah ...
气 死 了 。 。 。 。
very angry ah ......
this word many people are saying to me ,that true i always make people very angry because not concentrate to people who saying or talk to me .may be they think me is purpose don't concentrate ,but at here i need to make announcement that i no purpose don't concentrate listening,just i can't get all the information in short periob ,my information go in brain the just 20 % can at brain then all is went out from brain ,so most of the time i no will get what have people talk or asking me .My brain will blur and stopping ,Are me so different i very blur ,always make people angry ,any thing need to repeat and make sure me know ....
my brain need to having a few minutes or hour to process ....hahaha...that word only can store in to my brain .my brain can't catch up fast
why half and hour only u repeat this topic ....this word is most saying by my family,why we finish the topic of discussion then only u repeat the topic .OMG are they talking this discussion ,i add on after half and hour can't meh ?
why my brain are can't get all information on same periob ?here in then there go out in few second .am i very slow ...(迟 钝 )。 may be laugh can't stopping also is one problem of brain ,remember it then can't delete from brain ,all people is stopping then i still laugh.
why i will post up the music lirik at here 1 ,actually this two song i very like it .somemore that the lirik are very suitable to describe me ....
anything ,i may be will put just this two song .
by this two song ,stay here long time o ...
好爱她 好想他
歌曲:好爱她 好想他
歌手:七朵花/183 club 专辑:七朵花
7f 你应该哭了
7f 好爱她好想她再这样下去
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
7f 天应该亮了你应该睡了
7f 你应该哭了他应该醒了
7f 我们都没有错
7f 好爱她好想她再这样下去
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
7f 所有的美好
7f 试著把你慢慢遗忘
7f 好爱他好想他再这样下去
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
7f+183爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
183+7f 所有的美好
183+7f 留在没人到得了
《Nobody's Home》- Avril Lavigne
Nobody's Home
I couldn't tell you , Why she felt that way
She felt it everyday , I couldn't help her
I just watched her make ,
The same mistakes again
What's wrong what's wrong ,
Too many too many problems
Dunno where she belongs , Where she belongs
She wants to og home
But nobody's home , It's where she lies
Broken innside , There's no place to go
No place to go , To dry her eyes
Broken innside
Open your eyes , And look outside
Find the reasons why , You've been rejected
And now you can't find , What you've left behind
Be strong be strong now
Too many too many problems
Don't know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to og home , But nobody's home
It's where she lies , Broken innside
There's no place to go , No place to go
To dry her eyes , Broken innside
Her feelings she hides , Her dreams she can't find
She's loosing her mind , She's falling behind
She can't find her place , She's loosing her faith
She's falling from grace , She's all over the place
She wants to og home , But nobody's home
It's where she lies , Broken innside
There's no place to go , No place to go
To dry her eyes , Broken innside
She's lost inside, lost inside
She's lost inside, lost inside
然后去了CANTEEN 吃东西,好多话说吧。一边说一边吃,结果嘴巴里食物都喷喷出来了。吃时不说了,然后又忍不到说了几句,又再喷多一次。哈哈哈。。。不好意思喷到了FILE。擦擦干净。。
前往去上课途中,又遇到好羞得事了。拿着一把雨伞然后遇到老师要和他说声‘HI' 时一场大风就把我雨伞搞得不像样了,雨伞整个顶上来,笑死了。老师,路上的人都在笑着我,连我朋友都笑不停了。真的好羞哦。。。到了课室外见到天天说笑,不懂事真还是假的话,感觉没一句真的老师,他在走廊打粉笔察,我走过去时,哇!好多粉笔粉飞呀飞,结果就说了一句拿雨伞来顶,他笑笑的听了让我们过了。
在DIS MATH上课时,笑阿笑。。我们两一直在笑这老师,看来好没礼貌啦,可是不笑实在忍不住了。原因是因为老师每一次(每堂课)都顶着我们望黑板的角度,无论他站那都会顶到的。就是笑他好不顶偏偏就定这我们望的角度。一边写,听,然后又一边说‘走开’,或’SIR‘ “SIR”有不敢大声的叫他走开。没理由叫老师走开的吗?就好傻的在哪儿说。因该是他教书时他在写着时站得不对角度吧,任何老师不会那样。。只是这老师才是这样的顶着我们的角度。另一方他把手放在后和他曾经坐在桌子上,然后我们发现他裤子有了粉笔印搞得笑不停了。
回家没到12 小时
还想可吃一顿家常便饭,那知说要出去吃了,结果没吃到家常便饭,也结果我在家呆的时间只是徐徐1小时罢了。这样就回来KL 了。好无聊喔。。。。 i already change the RAM last change the RAM to 1G.But 1 thing is no enough money to purchases hardisk ,may be 1 by one waiting to change la feel so many thing i need to change and upgrade.
my friend

huh ... at last created finish .this message is say "smile always "....hahahaha .....
are me so care about every thing ,the answer is 'no' ,life is just key to everything ,.....
write some phase : it is true that the present is the colored by the past ,it is also we can choose the color of the future.
although life is as suffering,but try to feel happy every day by living in moment .
AS me i not will angry people or cut off relationship.i no try before ...
i found just have people cut off the relation with me ,because jealous of me .i very feel sad ,why she like this ,how came can compare with me .Are me better than her?
after secondary school we less and less contact until now no will contact me and my friend also.
actually at life ,how can compare ,actually i also no better than her la ,just result is infront her 1 place only o...,life i better than her ? i no think so lo.Friend more than her ,answer is 'no'.why she After secondary school like disappear .
In other case ,don't think me make myself suffering ,i just can happy ....athought is not true in my heart but i still happy in my brain /mind.
To my friend at secondary school,college,primary school:
the past is history ,the future is mystery ,the only time really have now-and just this moment.keep it happy alway , yr all is my friend.i will keep it in my mind.
my flavour food ...
most like to try new food 特别喜欢试试新东西/食物。
most like to comment the food and restaurant.最喜欢批评餐厅或食物。。
not nice food test by me ,i will very angry 试过不好吃的食物是好气的。。
childhood development until now very like malay food . 从小就好喜欢马来食物。
EG: kuah bahulu ,nasi lemak ,goreng pisang,cucuk udang ,rempah udang ect.


哈哈。。在这里(setapak)发现JUSCO 里买kuah bahulu ,嘿嘿常常有去就买了。
haha ,at here setapak i found jusco have sell kuah bahulu ,hehe if i go there i will buy it.

又发现校前买圆形的饼,里面有花生和玉蜀黍(apong balik)...hahaha很好笑有人称为’大块脸‘我真的笑不停。。

pan mi that is the mi make from flour and cooking in soup.(called at kl)
板面就是所谓的面粉糕,处处还不知识什么来的原来KL 里叫板面。。。
fast food
1)-MacD.(most like)
2)pizza hut,
3)domino pizza
乳酪保饭,好多料哦。。有吃过吗?(cheese baked rice)(cheese baked fillet fish)

STIMBOAT ,好多海鲜哦。。。
STEAK ,。。西餐肉扒
japanese food i don't will eat because have some smell i don't like .
最近好忙没时间写写了,还好给我有早预备好的文章来POST 。
过几天有空才写写来POST ,再见。
this week will very busy ,may can't post the blog write next time when
i free.
laugh (ha... ha... ha... ha...)
我嘴巴不能关的,整天在笑。我生活上有事没事都是笑的啦。嘿嘿,因为笑没苦恼,因为笑没烦恼,因为笑可去除痛苦,因为笑可让自己开心, 因为笑也可带来大家开心马。那我继续笑。。。别让我哭,那就是好大件事了。
中学时有人对我说:为什么你什么都笑?”你是不是笑婆“OMG 他说出那名称结果有个人听错了就反来(hokkien)傻婆。
to remember what have i register
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how is my life today
then what i doing whole day ,'like not thing' ,whole day just doing the assignment and then dreaming and dreaming .my god still can dream!! i still feel many think need to carry out ,need to study, need to do ....finally go to wash cloth then sleeping.Sleeping then wake up and study for monthly test .
When taken book ,when open book ,when reading the book started dream,started sleepy,started no mood .again sleeping day sleep how many time? i very stress,very tired .
people of gay saying like this phase:
"seorang tetamu lelaki menyatakan yang dia takut duduk bersebelahan dengan saya."
"Beliau melahirkan kebimbangan takut saya akan memegang atau memeluknya. Adakah beliau beranggapan bahawa saya ini binatang buas yang tidak mempunyai moral dan akal fikiran? "
actually some of the gay or lesbien are not they want , that is the hormon changes and will became like this .or SOME IS LIKE THIS ?when u meet them u will feel they will came to close u ? will embrace u ?will kiss u ?because of they like the some type of person ,or some gender?
this want, i also don't know .i need to doing more reseach of this ,sure many people are afraid and afraid ,for me also same .i can found this nice story because of assigment la....hahaha.. see more topic sex
是开心的因为在也不用照著那么多人的意见来作,只是作出我们喜欢的DESIGN ,喜
欢的SYS 。哈哈。。
努 力
em... my love story continue again time view the story that i simple write .
今天的讲座会不错,唯一没让我闷死的讲座会还举行了大约3 小时。每人又得了一本“弟子规”书册。里面就有一千零八十个字(三经)。全都是德行教育。
乱 来
其 实 写 了 , 大 家 都 知 道 了 又 会 怎 样 的 看 我 , 怎 样 怪 的 眼 神 看 我 。 既 然 写 了 就 要 面 对 一 却 , 我 又 要 从 新 来 过 了 。 。 。 。
活在BLUR 世界
择不知好过知道,因为好多事情一直发生在生活里,生活事实是有大浪,台风但我一直以来都接受不了也放不下。我的生活的确是UNNORMAL 了。我开始很少社会人来往,沟通。只是我小学朋友之外,我好少能和人相处了。的确中学也是等于我小学的朋友因为我们一起3班的人传去中学。来之别学只是几人。。
生活上发生好多事, 好 多 事 。 。 我不能决绝的,没人帮我。我 不 能 接 受 没 人 看 到 ....哭,没人理。。。伤 心 也 没 人 听 我 说 。 在生日当天给了我火滚的句子。。好累。。(为 什 么 人 人 都 那 样 对 待 我 )在我生活我不知怎样,我不能独自决绝,也不能找个人说说。我 的 快 乐 , 伤 心 我 是 从 来 不 合 人 分 享 。有时感到真的不满意自己的生活。于 是 我 是 把 自 己 关 起 来 了 我的确在逃避。。。一直在逃避。 接受不了也放不下。
太不负责任了,我需要恢复正常,现在再改变着,我需改变,我COUNTSELLOR,FRIEND BOYFRIEND 正在帮着我,希望我能打开门去另个世界?可 是 我 好 难恢 复 , 知 道 吗恢 复 过 程 这真 的 好 辛 苦 。我 正 在 好 努 力 改 变 着 , 可 是 结 果 呢 ? 改 变 自 己 而 不 是 改 变 别 人 。 其实不可那么介意人人对我作出的一却,人人的一举一动。他们的批评,指责。PROBLEM 是 自 己 不 是 别 人 , 我 从 来 都 不 怪人 。 需 改 变 是 自 己 不 是 别 人 , 我 好 明 白 这 道 理 。
别 人 要 拿 什 么 态 度 , 看 我, 怀 疑 我 , 又 表 示 我 有 动 机 作 出 他 不 愉 快 的 事 , 是 无 所 谓 的 。总 有 一 天 你 是 会 明 白 的 。
别问我要order 什么食物,
今天作了好难的决定。又是我好难作出的决定,既然6 人在我眼前问我要4-4,3-5,或3-3-2。我想发疯了,转了一圈,又问怎样怎样。我的好朋友出声吧!! 结果她又是一句话“随便,不知道”(为什么不争取你的权力)。定来定去也是会没答案的啦。结果就是4-4 啦。这样是最公平吧也是老师要的4-4。又要选那组?我不能做决定了,别再问我,(喜欢谁就谁吧)。事情已经决绝了 然后我同学又说不如2-2 。。。???发疯了,好想从山坡滚下。
短的废话少写了。我班只是8 人,也从来不想发生什么吵架,只是少少的8人吵了又
如何只是伤感情。4-4 是没问题的。我不多说了但又来了一个sensitive 王子。
说起不能完成任务,的确好令人讨厌又为难。我说起的自私是指着我组员,是因为他既然在prensentation 里写着 developed by???.o my god ..我的第一次看到这样的同学还让tutor 问了是说 作的。还有不说了。。每次都给我看到他的自私。我好有恐惧感。如果合作千万别这样了。的确有作我们的分,但不足吗,和老师谈了好久,的确是基础不够强又不知怎么继续学习。他看我们一直努力但还不能。对不起我的表达方式。不 因引 起 任 何 人 物误 会 被 逼 公 开 。
谈回sensitive 王子,我以前就和他发生了不愉快的事也是因为assigment 吧?sensitive
王子 vs blur princess 看来是不能和好吗?想不到他是一直方在心上的。我还以为我们可再次一起,我看错了,那是不可能了。是不是不能和好呢?故事会到几时结束,我不想这样了,也许现在就结束。我认识错你了错了。。。the end.
因 为 我 的 表 达 方 式 , 因 为 我 的 一 举 一 动 都会 令 您 讨 厌 的 话 我 也 没 选 着 。 我 只 是 直 话 直 说 。 我 不 想 在弄 得 不 清 , 已 尽 开 始 没 的 结 束 ,我 是 type 4 的
咳嗽,也许会咳嗽几个月。。。一生进了一次医院,那就是咳得不停而呕了黑色的血,不懂这是血吗?竟敢在医生前呕了黑色的血,才经了医院。结果医院 的医生以为我中了什么TB 病 结果有不是。肺炎也不是。。到底什么病,只是什么病就会咳嗽。“继续喝药水吧。”
anything also register
i really count ,i already how many location and mail is registed.may be whole world will know me liao.too much
actually i now have register 11 location .3 mail location. 4 blog location,friend linking
,games like friendster.1 for editing photo and send photos.
it is true,want believe or not
in our world that many happening is happen at our life ,at any environment,at any situation.why we can't believe.yes some time that will not believe it as possible.some happening too short time and it cause people can't believe it .
Really ,it can't believe it immediate.and this always making me so mystery and making it small problem became big problem .when i found it already big problem then that is became the( big fire )As u know the fire will frighting in fire and became big fire then burning .so that in me case is almost like this .i will try to stopping it ,unfortunate some time is not will stop it.It can't solve it .why the small problem will given me making to the large problem ,why can't take it as possible thing ,and why can't believe it as is true?
second ,some time we are saying some thing ,or advice to people why not they believe .they just left it go .when the small problem became large then only believe that is too late .
some time people laugh at me because so late response believe or not believe .actually playing believe and not believe game that so funny .
If not wrong as my knowledge ,it will repeat it after 32 year right because this will the last having share Raya .O... need to wait for long time to enjoy the Raya at same period lo.So miss the food and snack of all region .
还我的 t-shirt
患上乳癌怎么办(breast cancer)
有2个方法:1 自我检查乳房,2 看医生
if u suspect getting breast cancer,what u can tell yrself.It so fear in
this case ... i need to do ...
not will so unlucky la....
need see doctor??..
ok now see doctor ,what need to tell to doctor
i pain at the breast ,
i feel got something in my breast。。
what i need to do ,need operation?
now day breast cancer is high percentage at our country ,also is the lady
scary problem so that better checking by own or see doctor in each year.
Two World Records coming to Melaka
FINISH holiday
TWO WORD ==not thing ???????
heiheihei.....actually it meaningful ,relax,enjoy,study,online,but no point to starting research my computer science thing again ."that i scold by whole world" because break my computer by myself.(seeing to magazine and try ),try some knowlegle from magazine .spoil the program ,harm the computer and jam-whole computer ."the computer screen is became dark and come out the something word god(die)
finally reformat the computer la ........and repair it .hahahahahahaha...........
luckly got people help me ...
Poor English
Writing also need to compare with my mood, if not my writing will be rubbish. Sometime read back that I feel it worst than before post. According to some people they say some sentences is can’t know/find the meaning .o….o…..that worst than before ?i need to improve it .
through here I can learn my language ,especially English .i can improve better through some time I will writing in English ,or translate the Chinese to at here is Chinese and English word is writing in two way . i find that it is no fair if I just write Chinese ,some one who is don’t know the Chinese language so in other way I just write in two language .hope all reader will understand.
Happy moon cake festival day
Now day this feeling is no more ,all children are grow up,that no more people is taking the lantern walk around our village .now day children are more high-tech they using the electrical lantern and they independent ,no will mix with other child playing at night on road .this festival is one year and one year more quiet at our village already .
Holiday 2
Format 電腦工程還好,不錯已盡完成了但upgrade hardware 有點困難.到今天还没upgrade ,看來需要問問人,問問高手.看看書啦.挨...好悶也朋友個個都是在工作或上學沒同時間,好難聚在一起,只有星期六或星期日才能聚會.手提電話又沒錢,sms 又不能須打電話.我已經破記錄了,沒進錢一個月半了.全世界都以為我失蹤了,現在在我家裡還好啦,還可以用家裡電話來堡電話又不是我付錢...哈哈.
violin ..violin ..闷闷的还可拿出来玩玩。玩了又不知想作什么了。
Today also received my family phone call, say 1 to fetch me go home tomorrow ,so fast 1 ,i need to relax and enjoy at here ,so fast 1 to bring me back because of my brother have meeting at pj and forgetten to get his pass and formal shirt so need to go back to his second house to take it and after that same way coming to fetch me .i must go home if not no person will take me go home .My planning like this , spoil ..spoil and spoil.i want to watch movie with friend ,play bolling,shopping,planning enjoy 3 day that now is can't aready ... spoil!!!.hai!!!
At here saying happy birthday to my best friend ,i very sorry can't attend her party .hope she will understand ,My hostel is so far ...far.... so can't reach her house .somemore i will go back to my hometown that don't need say again that is imposibble to attend lo.To all my friend happy enjoy. ....happy ...happy..birthday to u .happy..birthday to u....happy..birthday to u.
Go back home for what? boring ?watch tv,no astro,no video?Got computer but online for 2 week o....i no will writing 2 week .No people talking and talking,face to wall la.
holiday planning :
1. i need to format my computer
2.upgrade my computer ,change the heal (fan),upgrade ram,hard disk.
wah that need to count the price ,i think that will about 300 more and more gua.need to research . night go to mamak . some education book la.
5.reading story book .
sunday go shopping ,watch movie .
ok i think that enough .
我还有一个部落格loving just love.那里是说爱情,友情的地方.那只是我得空的时后没时作太闲空了所以才会去写写"爱"的看法,经验,对爱的感受,人人对爱的痛苦.和我编的故事.
Down syndrome people
One day morning meeting at our school that the head of school and teacher is give announcement that please don't disturn the down syndrome people.
having a syndrome child that parent is more stress and they feel sorrow,anger,guilt.that need more concentrate many to the child.But that is no choice .they need to continues to care to child ,if no parent are abuse the child.
i will bring this topic because i think that need to respect they ,they already is a down syndrome people ,they don't how to think it ,but if they is thinking like us that will very hurt about themselves having this syndrome problem.And don't think they will danger to us.
i have close to downsyndrome people before,before i close with them i also worry about they ,because i don't what they think and will attack me or not.But lastly having long periob they are so clear of mind,they can't lie .If u no make the angry they will no acttack people.Some people are no like and no brave to close with them ,normaly they 1 to close the normal people but the people are scream or scare to them .That are so pity for them because people are scare .they think they are danger ,i can say that no ....
leaving malaysia
leaving malaysia for travel,when will i leaving?i need to simply planning
1.finish study(2 year more)
2.find job
3.earn money(1year more) mom and dad go travel(2 year)
5.finding boyfriend
6.earn money go travel.(i think need 1 year more)
i think total need 6 or 7 year more only can go oversea oh...
my second aspiration married 25 year old (married need to delay liao....)o....o....o....
third day of my final examination
wahahaha... today the first paper are so easy ,very happy of it ,but lastly the second paper are so so difficult ..hai!! again my future aspiration is destroy…
I think I need to find a college to continue my study to success my future aspiration..hai don’t why I choose this courses for 4 year ,I should go to other college to study for 3 year is enough ,so waste time …anywhere that is my choice choose this so I need to try my best for it until I can’t continue .i will no think that i make wrong decision ,just i 1 to fast finish it ......................and finding my aspiration .
Talk about happy thing ,today I finding friend to watch movie la…at last the result is ok lo…hahaha wait for that day .hope no any changing la.haha happy ..happy …
Let talk about my purpose of writing blog …my blog is start in few periob I no yet introduce what purpose of writing this blog.Ok let me talk about it now.Actually this is part of my daily…just a part here I will writing about my activity of my life and here also include my feeling of my life .some people are will more understand me through this blog ,but this also can cause some people misunderstand me,through this blog (because of my behaviour ,problem,feeling) ,anywhere what they think is their problem because my life is my life .
my second purpose is through here I can learn my language ,especially English .i can improve better through some time I will writing in English ,or translate the Chinese to at here is Chinese and English word is writing in two way . i find that it is no fair if I just write Chinese ,some one who is don’t know the Chinese language so in other way I just write in two language .hope all reader will understand.
... 在这里全都是我original blog 了.在这里,谢谢大家的关心,这里所有都是我的一部分日记...只是一部分...也是我真真的感受....
can't continue writing
scary exam in my life
hai!!! many people are no believed it .one paper for adv one more paper is for dergee ma >>>
second day for final examination
my future aspiration is destroy...destroy...
hated ...hated.. ------>love
sometimes it will become love in yr life .what is love come from ,normaly is the feeling that u too much offer to the person,and very day will think about it ,think about it ---suppose is hate but in a long periob it will become love.from hated to love the feeling is so hurt because yr life suppose can't with them.
So don't think somebody say " i hate u" that is true hated u ....
So don't think somebody say " i love u" taht is true love u ....
So don't think somebody say " i don't friend with u" is that true 1 separate with u ....
in this world taht some people is saying but the heart are opposite thinking.
This always appeared to me everytime i fight with a person. And i know the answer is: Because you care about the person. if not, i wont fight with him/her.The more you love and care about that person, the more u fight.
为什么会读 computer science
我不晓得为什么我会读这科.今天我答了他必须答的问题,我喜欢读电脑系原因是我喜欢动电脑,从小到大我想拥有电脑,我也要认识电脑是怎样的,从小我就到表哥家用电脑,至到有人给我一部还可用的电脑但天天都是jam jam ,一年需 format 三四次的电脑,好可怕当时我是不会电脑的傻瓜.你说我是怎样学来的,那也是我一步一步学来的.
many people is send sms until can send out the sms message ,wah if celebrate something sure is jam at road ,send sms also can't get .So for me i will early sending to friend if no,it will received it at tommorrow lo.
SMS using for what .many people is using wrongly . using to send nonsense thing ,some so waste the money to send and send...
have many people is nothing to do ,need find some thing to doing it right?i alway received the message send to me is ,"u must send to 10 person if no will bad luck ,if no will no good for family,if no u will sad ...and so on .. are me need to send it for my 10 friend? i no so many time and money to send it ,i also don't 1 my friend saw it and waste their credit to send the nonsense thing.
actually ,some message is create by some company to earn some profit from the SMS like buy furniture promotion ,all is lie,that i heard from my friend ,i don't know that is it true?some say is they purpose created some thing to earn profit ,make many people send and send(make many people buy the reload card).that is created by some shop or seller .anywhere....
hai...i will no send this stupid sms for it ,that will make some people don't like ,or making some people is confuse 1 to send this nonsense thing or don't 1 send it nonsense thing.
finally free a little bit
oh no?? period of saw monkey and will attack by monkey is coming,every year i will saw the monkey at 1 periob only,that special for our college" still have monkey" .today i walk back from school i saw monkey at jungle next my school,they jump here jump there .At the time i just walk alone back to hostel ,when walking ,there is no other people is walking the road, very scare that monkey will attack people.Think about when secondary school ,one day my friend go to the seminar at Uni place ,that Uni serve the next jungle hostel to they all ,so that they will having activity easiely ,but at the second morning ,my friend bag lost ,they find and find but can't get ,finally at afternoon they seeing the bag is throwing away and the food is lost ...oh..the food like snack is eating by monkey.then second day the monkey came again and steal some one bag ,all people are scare of attack and run ,my second friend bag are steal and throw all the thing out (cloth and dairy thing)all food are eating by monkey in front of people . ...that is so scary happning in life ....ha..ha..ha... it is funny ,all class is laugh at him because of why the monkey steal he bag ,taking the cloth throwing and throw ...think the acting of monkey throw and throw the cloth ???
huh..busy of computer
today my roommate are busy of her computer because of getting virus in her computer ,for she is no familiar to computer, so panic and 24 hour is touching the computer is can scan it the antivirus is no updated in computer ,overall can't scan any virus. At last i sure need helping her la ,download the antivirus software to her can lo.
hi back about saturday ,why so funny of it , many people are misunderstand me for asking the ID ,are they misunderstand me need the ID number can they know the ID if i asking for i t,are me is so stupid person.i need the logon ID format for logon to the college mail ........only ma...hi...hai...
i so need of it because all the college staff will know which person send the mail ,and the mail address with user name is provided ,if using the nickname mail that will cause the problem of delete it .ok ...that i need is because i need to finding my counsellor ,i need to reply her ,because i already dissappear for about two month ....that ok she still reply me today ...o don't think about me have any problem ah ...just is personal thing to solve only .
不被影响情绪了.emotion no will affected ..
my emotion are alway affected ..
i don't want to be the person that emotional people .from today i will
cancentrate study for final exam ,i don't want have any affected by some
one . if some one don't like me,see my like one kind, i have no choice of
it ,just i can say that is their problem .me is me, i can't change any thing
because of them .
huh .... i will concentrate for study.
computer science & technology
technology is alway update that more troublesome of this ,eveyone need to update they knowledge.For me ,i have some thing still can't solve .it is no easy to handle like repair the computer ,upgrade it an so on ...that need so time to learn about it the end need to learn and learn to fullfill the social although it is troublesome.But this is good if getting this know because don't need to call repair man.i still have some friend that are no familiar at all at the computer and technology ,if have any problem they will panic of the computer .huh ...
ok talk about the education ,many college are given the no suitable subject for computer science student ,like at the university they all until now only change the syllabus ,the proramming for the social are some is out of date ,so the student will learn many by own to fullfill they knowledge .That is good ?? i feel it good also because all graduat student nowday just know the high level programing ,how about the low level programing that some people is already graduat long long ago .
my new blog
hi hi....... is me....
pretty. I'm one of those high IQ-low EQ type of persons who just
can't seem to get emotionally attached to someone, mostly due to
the lack of trying. Maybe this blogging might help me or maybe not.
Don't know and up to a certain extent, don't really care.
今天算是有点得空,刚好assigment 完成了.但还有的是接下来就是大考了.好怕...好怕... 这样就要过了一个学期了,又要换讲师了,又要换我们读的科目了.从今天要读书了.
说回作天...嗨!! 天啊... 我的电脑为什么慢得要死了,在这学期里装了很多上课须要的software 搞得电脑位已尽差不多满了.在放假里因该把它洗掉了.然后顺便format电脑了.
说回我每次于到的事就是 沟通,我从我qq 的blog 看到了他写了沟通问题和家庭大得不得了搞到他有沟通问题也说到是见面都不懂他人的名...那也有我的分吧!!
嗨!!! 是不是人多,而在很少沟通下会发生的是呢.是的家庭很大加上和有很多亲戚是不是很难沟通吗?好了,沟通是两方面的.但在两方面的人都是不出声的话,或是两方面都是害羞那就不能认识了对方,永远都不能沟通了.既然你们一般,我们一般的说话,在一张桌上用餐都说不到 3 秒钟 的话而和他说话也会遇到我们不同的topic lo...嗨!!!我和他们还好谈吧.还有认识他们的名字,还有和他们联络...呵呵不错
today no line to online i writing this journal ,maybe need to post on nextday ....actually i have many blog i also register a new blog places,if i complete doing the rearrange then i will inform yr all .because at here u all seeing my blog is no allow to given comment right? ok .....some blog is my true feeling so i can't give u see my diary 1...he heh eh... so i no will give the address to yr all for some blog places.
talk about communicate ,why my around people alway getting this problem of communicate with other .hai !!! i found this in my qq blog that saying have a big family that are having difficult to communicate with which other.
"""Itós just sad looking at the situation. Everyone sitting on the table is related in their very own genes but yet they treat each other like strangers.Well I guess this is the situation when you have an extremely large family where 70% of the people in the family are not recognizable."""
communicate is needed two person to communicate ,if some one don't talk or some one feel shy to talk with which other then it will become not recognizable that if need communicate so don't be the shy people or choosing which kind of people u like .Some people is in one group with close person and don't will recognizable to with other ,so it will become u 1 group ,my 1 group ...AND it shy to communicate .why this will happen ?
日记 22/8/06
在 心理科里,那讲师说的满多都说到我的心理上的问题了.在每堂课,我都能看出自己是怎样的人也了解了我本身...今天上了心理课....感觉到也了解到了自 己很多,哈..趁早了解自己算是好是吧? 哦..今天 说到.. anxiety dissorders. 那就是担心,害怕,lost control of fear. nervousness and no relax type...until became Phobias.还有的是 depression is heritable...说起就是感觉身边的人,世界上的人都不关心你,体谅你,天天什么事都会怪上人...这些情观发身在人身上是不是有心理问题呢?没 上心理课,我没发觉有问题出现在我身上..但现在了解了.....问题还是存在在我...逃避..逃避..的我在也不逃了.到是候面对事实.
talk about today i doing what
10.55 am at lab doing coding ,teach by group menber
12.00 am attend tutorial class for applied statistic
1.00 pm rest then go to canteen eat
2.00 pm go to psychology lec class
4.00 pm my friend came to my room doing coding
7.00 pm she go back then i take bath
7.30 pm eating
8.30 pm write journal
8.50 pm start doing coding and documentation
12.00 pm may start reading book (may be )
2.15 am witch off light (sleep)
还!! 有的人是对我像小孩的看待我,天天都关心我又问东问西的,怕我不会决绝事务.
sorry to myself
actully i no doing the homework ,tutorial ,practical an so on ...all no do how to attend the class le...later need answer the answer ,i can't answer it ... i also got some fed up to doing this thing la...i normaly can't answer it talk about OOAD ..hai this also give me the fed up feeling ...why?? because the tutor will having the nonsense talk...every time attend the class ,she will talk talk for half an hour ...just for nonsense thing for the syllibus..that make me can't get the concept by explaination.attend the class like no attend before.hai..hai...hai... need to learn myself.
let talk about me now at tarc worst ,my friend called me alien , play only.... they called me alien because of me different with them when talking to them ...some time i will beat my friend when talking to them ,some time i will no understand them and them will no understand me talk about .hai....yes ,what i talk about is some time so confirm ,no think before talk, some time i will talk nonsense thing wan....hei hei funny they play me until i really from mas planet and need to back to Mas planet liao..
this word ,yok.... yok... become the word at our class ...u know how come this word .hai.... this also is me lo, at lab just ask tutor ask until she come out this word from her mouth .May be i make the tutor very angry of asking many many question.
伤心的感觉又出现了,.如果你有看我的blog 你会知道我是那一种人了.有可能你会不喜欢我,也不想看到我的伤心blog ....我可以说在我日记,每一面都会说到伤心的事情的.
谁想伤心哦.!! 可是每件事都是我的错,每件事都是我的问题,每件事都是我领到我烦..每件事都赖在我身上... why why ...why...,.太过关心我,我又感觉好心苦的面对他们....嗨!又遇到自私的人了...
今 天我发觉到我认识的到底是真还是假...真还是假....真还是假....真假我分不出....我真的分不出.在他们和我对话是真的很想一巴打过去... 真的,为什么他们这么对我....感觉到他们好自私,好自私,把所有的东西都把来作既然把小小的部分留给我们...我不懂他们为什么要这样作,两人是不可 能拿那小小的部分来作的...那只是会给老师看到我们没作是的啦.想不到他们那么自私...和他们说了但也不想了解我们..算了..遇到这种人真的好失望..是好意或是有目的,那就要得到高分.....真假我分不出.,